Volunteer for CTC
CTC is a 100% volunteer run club. Without volunteers we can’t do as much as we do! Here are a list of positions that we are almost always need.
Meetings Committee
½ RAV Point
Objective: to make new or prospective members comfortable, welcomed, and included during the 6-7pm happy hour at Monthly Meetings.
- Sign up on our Volunteer Sign-up Page
- Show up to Monthly Meeting at 6pm
- Wear nametags with your name and title (Happy Hour Greeter)
- Walk around during the happy hour
- Talk to anyone that looks like they don’t know anyone there
- Be knowledgeable about club events since most newbies will ask questions about that.
- Introduce newbies to each other; when they get to talking, find more newbs that look lost
- Try to connect people with similar interests

Athletic Committee
All of the following Group Workout Leaders receive ½ RAV Point per week; 5 points Max
- Sign up on CTC Workout Leader Page
- Post on message board and/or Facebook letting people know you are leading
- Show up at Muffin Run
- Optional: Get head count for brunch, choose brunch spot, & take picture for Facebook
- Sign up on CTC Workout Leader Page
- Arrive at Ohio Street Beach 5 min before the start of your shift
- Sit at the beach and watch members’ stuff while they swim NEWBIE FRIENDLY!!
Cancel a workout at your discretion. Make decision at least 2 hours before start of workout, and post on forum. Valid reasons for cancellation include
- High E.coli in the lake,
- Extremely cold water (in June),
- Lightning storms,
- Rip tides
- Sign up on CTC Workout Leader Page
- Post on the message board letting people know which ride you are leading & start time.
- Rides where no one has volunteered to be Leader 2 are NOT no-drop.
- Everyone is advised to bring a map in case they get separated from the group
- Either Buffalo Grove (38 miles or 55 miles) or City Ride (route is your call).
- Post link to map of start location & route
- You should be familiar enough with the route not to get lost.
Cancel a workout at your discretion. Make decision at least 2 hours before start of workout, and post on forum. Valid reasons for cancellations include:
- Lightning storms
- Dangerous conditions
- Sign up on CTC Workout Leader Page
- Fill in for Leader 1 if they cancel or don’t show up.
- If no Leader 1 is signed up, post on message board as indicated above.
- Make sure no one is left behind.
- Make sure no one gets dropped
For rides where Leader 2 is signed up, we will advertise these as NEWBIE FRIENDLY, as it is NO DROP.
Philanthropy Committee
- See the Philanthropy Page for this year's Key Volunteering Races.
- Sign up to volunteer on the Races Section of the website.
- CTC philanthropy chair will work with each race to find where our help is needed, then contact volunteers regarding duties for each individual race.
- Sign up by contacting Philanthropy Chair, either by email or replying to forum post when an announcement is made
- Manage sign-ups for IMOO camping
- Cancel extra campsites as necessary
- Coordinate food, supplies, dinner
- Advertise about Saturday group ride
- Sign up by replying to post on CTC forum when the organizer makes an announcement
- Get list of IMOO racers from CTC website
- Create posters for each racer
- Create other themed decorations
- Club provides pizza and decoration supplies
- Host/ Organizer gets 3 points; all other participants get 1 point
Racing Committee
- Sign up by contacting Racing Chair, either via email (racing@chicagotriclub.com) or reply to forum post when an announcement is made
Start a thread on CTC forum entitled with the name of your race
- introduce yourself as race coordinator for your race
- gauge interest in pre-race group dinner
- ask for requests for snacks/ beverages in the cooler
- remind people to sign up at the Races section of the website to get their RAV points and be entered in the CRS competition
- Book dinner for group at nearby restaurant, depending on group interest
- Purchase snacks/ beverages as requested, using budget provided by Racing Chair; send receipts to treasurer withing 14 days of purchase
Get CTC Race supplies from whoever has them (coordinate w/Racing Chair)
- Oh Sh%t Bag
- Snacks
- Beverage Cooler
- CTC Tent or Banner
- Come to race early, bringing CTC Race supplies to the race, stay until the end of the race.
- Coordinate who gets Race supplies next
- OPTIONAL: Club Housing at Races: Volunteers may choose to arrange club housing for races. Post on the forum if you’d like to oversee housing for a CRS race.
NOTE: Multiple Race Coordinators will be needed for races with larger club presence; those duties will be assigned by the Racing Chair as necessary. Race coordinators will touch base with Racing Chair on any races that might have different logistics than usual (such as Galena).