Chicago Racing Series (CRS)
CTC targets a few key races each year that the club does together as a team. Members can compete with each other at the races while volunteers coordinate logistics such as CTC Tent, pre-race meals, meeting points, post-race festivities, and even supplies in case you forget anything! The Chicago Racing Series (CRS) races are selected based on member feedback. These are the best local races run by race directors who deserve our support.
CRS races for 2024 are listed on the Race Calendar.
The Rules of the CRS competition are:
- CRS is all about competition, smack talking, fist pumping competition
- CRS is a series of local, well-run and popular races where CTC members compete against each other for points
- To be eligible for prizes, you must register on the race calendar and wear a CTC article of clothing either during the race or afterwards and make yourself known to the CTC race coordinator on the day of the race
- You have to compete in at least two* CRS races. Your two best results from any CRS races will be added together at the end of the season to give your final score.
- The top three overall and age group winners at the end of the year earn fancy trophies/prizes
- Races are scored as follows:
- [Winning time/Your time] x 1000 + bonus points
- Bonus points:
- Overall 1st 20, 2nd 15, 3rd 12 points
- Age group 1st 10, 2nd 5, 3rd 3 points
Past CRS results can be found here: